My 101 in 1001 list
Start date: Monday, March 15, 2010
End date: Monday, December 10, 2012
- RYDER: Take a picture of Ryder everyday Look at photos page for updates
- Finish Ryders baby book
- Make Ryder homemade food once a month
- Write down something funny/cute/sad that ryder did. everyday for a month
- Visit a zoo (5.28.2010)
- Go to the grand canyon
- Write 10 letters to Ryder to read when he's an adult (0/20)
- Go to Tombstone
- Put 1.00 in piggy bank for Ryder per day(0/1001)
- Take Ryder to a pumpkin patch
- Have a Cowboy theme 1st birthday party (6.19.10)
- Video tape all important events (walking, crawling, etc) (crawling, walking, bday party)
- Make shadow box with Mommy Loves Me onsie
- FAMILY/CAM Watch a movie with hubby once a month
- Set a date for the wedding
- Host a game night
- Plan a graduation party for my mom
- Help Cameron with Festheds
- Write down one thing a day about why I love Cameron (0/1001)
- Get family history from grandma
- Get Family Portraits taken (5.5.2010)
- Have 20 night outs with Cameron (1/20)
- Get old family photos from mom
- Scan in family photos
- Enhance family photos
- Print and frame family photos
- Start paying dad back
- Make a slideshow for Grandma & grandpa
- HOME/COOKING Bake a new kind of cupcake once a month
- Use at least 2 coupons per grocery trip (10/1001)
- Upload all CDs to computer and donate/sell them
- Organize all photos into albums
- Get new bedding
- Keep bookcases clean of clutter for ONE WEEK straight
- Organize closet
- Keep said closet organized for a full month
- Learn to make 12 cocktails (0/12)
- Make homemade pasta
- Bake homemade bread (Apple banana bread)
- Move into a bigger home (apt., townhouse, duplex)
- Donate all books that have been read
- Cook a recipie from a fellow blogger once a month
- BLOGGING Make a blog for Ryders pictures
- Update Ryders Photo blog once a week
- Blog everday for one month (July)
- Do the 365 Photo Challenge (0/365) New blog for this coming soon
- Blog about every item completed on list (1/101)
- PERSONAL/RANDOM Apply for nursing school!!!
- Volunteer for a charity event
- Write living will
- Get a tattoo
- Get a passport
- Lose 10 pounds (4/10)
- Go to 5 sports games (0/5)
- Convert to reusable grocery bags
- Learn to use camera better
- Donate to locks of love
- Meet biological father (found him, won't be able to meet him)
- Save loose change everyday; cash in on day 1001
- Splurge on 5 matching bra and panty sets (0/5)
- Plan a trip with my girlfriends from around the country
- Find a job
- Donate 1000 grains of rice via (240/1000)
- Watch all episodes of House
- Learn how to use Fondant (May 2010)
- Use said Fondant on a cake
- Get homework done before Saturday morning twice a month for three months
- Enter a photography contest
- Sell 3 dozen cupcakes (0/3)
- Make a new friend - Nessa!!
- Host a passion party
- Get a brazillian wax
- Get eyebrows waxed every 2 months
- Get professional pin up girl photos taken
- Have hair cut, styled and dyed. Professionally. (5.2.2010)
- Paint toe nails once a month (4)
- Go to Oregon to see friends
- E-mail corresspondance with Jessica at least once a wek
- But a shirt that costs more than 5 dollars
- Buy a pair of pants that costs more than 10 dollars
- Attend a beer festival
- Donate blood 3 times (0/3)
- Take Wilton cake decorating class at Michaels
- Play in the rain
- Learn Spanish
- Go to Imperial to visit Jovitas grave
- Complete the 5000 questions (24/5000)
- Learn where everything is in my car (oil, water, etc)
- Write a bucket list
- Complete the 26 things photo challenge
- Post 10 notes for Operation Beautiful (0/10)
- Make a quote bored with 101 quotes
- Talk to my sister once a month
- One whole weekend without computer!
- Send 20 random Hello cards (0/20)
- Make album of postcards from PostCrossing
- Send 101 Postcards via Postcrossing (0/101)
- Send 10 snail mail birthday cards (3/10)
- Review and update list weekly
- Send a secret through PostSecret
- For every goal I complete, put away 2.00 (0/101)